Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Udder Side

Congratulations to the following Does and their Owners for completing Milk Testing this year. (So Far)
305 AR Milk Star
 "Feijoa A Little Bit AR*D"   NOA Mini Nubian   Rebekah Clarke
One Day Milk Star
 "Paradise Freckels *D"   3rd Gen Mini Nubian   Christina Griswold
 "Rose Meadow Honey 3*D"   4th Gen Mini Nubian   Christina Griswold
Don't forget, when signing up for milk testing, make sure the Doe's Dam and Sire names, on the Doe Data Sheet, are complete with all designated titles included. (AR*D, 2*D, +S, etc.)
Thank You
Norm Geiser
TMGR Milk Director

Monday, June 1, 2015

2015 Photo Contest

The time has come to submit photos for the 2015 Photo Contest!  12 special photos will be selected to be featured in the 2016 TMGR Calendar.

How to Submit Photos

  1. Please send full size jpg photo files to Angelia Mercer at
  2. Write "Photo Contest" in the subject line.
  3. Include the name of the photographer, herd name, location and breed of goat.


  1. Please submit new photos that you have never submitted before, preferably photos taken within the past year.
  2. The photo should feature one or more Miniature Dairy Goats.  If humans are present in the photo, they should be "background".
  3. We need photos of bucks/wethers, does and kids of all the breeds registered by TMGR (Mini Nubians, Mini LaManchas, etc.).
  4. The contest is open to TMGR members.
  1. All Photos will be posted on the TMGR Facebook page without identifying information - Photos will be posted between June 9th and June 30th.
  2. "Likes" constitute a vote.  You are invited to share photos on your timelines.
  3. 12 of the most popular photos will be selected as winners for categories such as Best of Breed, Best Kid of Breed, Best Goat in Summer, etc.  (Categories are somewhat determined by what photos we receive.)