Thursday, July 25, 2013

Welcome to the New Online Version of "Have U Herd?" !

The Miniature Goat Registry is run by and for it's members to develop and promote the production of well-balanced miniature dairy goats.  Part of our mission statement is to provide information about the miniature dairy goats.  Gathering and disseminating this information is not something that one person or a few people can do.  I've bred Miniature Nubians for six years, and I know what has worked and what has not worked for my herd, but that is a very small part of the picture.  When I accepted the role of Editor for "Have U Herd?", I tried to think how we could best reach our members, foster dialogue, and start building a body of information for our members and those interested in breeding miniature dairy goats.  In this fast paced world we live in today, I think we will be best served by an online newsletter.  I hope to update the newsletter at a minimum every other month, but if we get a lot of interest and input, I'll be happy to publish updates more often than that.  This blog allows for comments.  Please feel free to comment and discuss the articles posted.  We welcome contributions!   Send your ideas, recipes, discussion topics, and photos to  I think we have a great tool here for developing our herds and promoting our breeds.  I hope you enjoy it!