Friday, November 14, 2014

From Your BOD...

The Board of Directors met November 8, and we are very excited for the many changes and improvements in the works.  There are several committees and work groups hard at work on your behalf.  Here is a quick run down:

Milk Program - Continued management of milk program.  Encourage participation through mentoring.
Norm Geiser, Chair

Show Chair  - Facilitation of TMGR sanctioned dairy goat shows.  Encourage members to host new shows with mentoring.
Cari Zisk, Chair

Bylaws Committee - Review and update Bylaws, ensure Mission Statement and 501C3 language is represented accurately.
Donna Elkins, Chair

Website Committee - Improve website for aesthetics and functionality.
MaryLisa Lynch, Chair

We also formed some working groups with the help of our member volunteers. The new working groups are:
Work Group to Vet Show Judges
Work Group Exploring Online Showing or Conformation Clinic
Work Group to work on Registration Database - Review existing program and revisions, recommend future upgrades or field additions.

We thank all those who have volunteered to help!  Volunteers can contact the BOD for more information.

Have you recently attended a miniature goat show or event?  Have you discovered a new trick of the trade?  Do you have a funny or inspiring story to tell about your goats?  As always, Have U Herd welcomes submissions from TMGR members!  Send your submissions to the editor!