Monday, February 10, 2014

Notes from the February Board Meeting

The Board of Directors had a meeting February 8th.  We have added two new board members. MaryLisa Lynch of California raises Mini Nubians with the herd name Irm’s Girl.  Cari Zisk of Idaho raises Mini Oberhasli, Mini LaMancha, Mini Toggenburg and Mini Alpine goats under the herd name Cherry Butte.  We look forward to what they can bring to the board! 

We discussed the need to edit the TMGR website.  If anyone sees something they do not understand or that does not function properly on the website, please email your suggestions to Donna Elkins - or Douglas Clark .  We are making the final tweaks on the I-Goat online evaluation program and hope to have that up and running shortly.  If anyone has advanced skills in web-design, html, etc., we would welcome your volunteer services.  We appreciate your patience as we work through these issues. 

A committee has been formed of Mini Nubian breeders for reviewing the Mini Nubian breed standards.  We will be reviewing photographs of high generation Mini Nubians.  If you have Mini Nubians, be looking for an upcoming post about the kind of photographs we need.  Our goal is to create a group expectation for quality based on an informative breed standard reflective of a truly obtainable goal. 

We are also working to get new registry software for Donna to make her work easier and more efficient.  We experienced an increase in memberships and registrations in 2013, and in 2014 we are experiencing a membership and registration boom.  We thank Donna for her service as registrar as she works to process the new registrations in a timely manner. 

We are scheduling our next board meeting for March.  We are discussing forming a by-laws committee to review the by-laws so they can be updated and published online.  We are also discussing forming a show committee to help members start new TMGR shows and discussing how to make dual sanctioning go smoothly, so there will be more opportunities for our members to show and get recognition or our Mini breeds.  As always we welcome input from our membership. If you have an item that is high priority for you, please contact one of the board members.